Asian/Pacific American Heritage Month- Rensmay Lam

O’Neal Manufacturing Services- Greensboro, North Carolina

Rensmay “J5” Lam- Quality Engineer

What drew you to work for O’Neal Manufacturing Services (OMS)?

I was recommended to this company by someone who thought I could contribute to the team. The more I looked into the company, it was easier to see how I could transition into the field. 

What do you consider to be the most important cultural value for you and for those close to you?

Acceptance. Sometimes the unconventional works and sometimes the traditional works. 

What misconception about your heritage or country of origin would you like to correct?

We are not a monolith. We have different feelings and complex emotions and values. It can be too easy to lean into the stereotypes and unconscious biases. 

What does Asian/Pacific American Heritage Month mean to you?

I believe it can lend a voice to those who would not normally speak up on issues. 

What are you the most proud of?

The fact that I can look over my body of work and see how it has affected the company as a whole. 

Thank you Rensmay for your hard work and dedication to our team!