Devon Thomas Awarded MSCI Scholarship

The Metals Service Center Institute (MSCI) is the premier, not-for-profit association serving the industrial metals industry. As a member of MSCI, O’Neal Manufacturing Services and our employees benefit from the vision, tools, and programs offered by the organization, which include academic scholarships supported by its individual chapters across North America.

Pittsburgh MSCI chapter member, Chris Thomas, was honored to learn that his son, Devon, was selected as a 2023 scholarship recipient. As Quality Assurance Manager for O’Neal Manufacturing Services, Chris has supported the production and quality operations of our business for the past 15 years.

MSCI recognized Devon Thomas for his exceptional academic achievements. A recent graduate of Blackhawk High School in Beaver Falls, Pennsylvania, Devon received high honors and was inducted into his school’s National Honor Society.  He also enjoyed a well-rounded athletic experience and participated in football, basketball, and soccer, while he maintained an impressive 4.2 grade point average.  

Devon has enrolled at Grove City College in Pennsylvania and has elected to major in mechanical engineering and minor in robotics. In addition to his academic studies, he has earned the position of kicker for the GCC Wolverines football team.

Devon Thomas continues to set high expectations for himself and expressed his desire to be a part of NASA in the future. His inspiration was conveyed in a quote from Stephen Curry, “Be the best version of yourself in anything you do. You don’t have to live anybody else’s story.”

OMS is proud to recognize Devon for his achievements, and we look forward to the next steps in his academic journey.