Rail Cars

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Building Components That Keep Trains Moving train on wheels

O’Neal Manufacturing Services (OMS) is highly experienced in the production of Rail Car metal components. From complex weldments like manway covers to rail car frames and simple punched or burned parts, OMS has the capabilities and national footprint to service Rail Car customers’ needs.

Rail Car Components

  • Frames & Supports
  • Wheel Supports
  • Dividers
  • Manway Covers
  • Housings & Enclosures
  • Equipment Guards & Protectors
  • Buckets & Hoppers
  • Rails, Ladders, Cage Ladders
  • Specialized Railcar Components
  • General Purpose Components

With 10 facilities across North America, a skilled staff and extensive experience with the Railcar industry, OMS is well-equipped to produce high-quality metal components and provide strategic outsourcing services for the railroad industry.

Want more info?

Contact O'Neal Manufacturing Services today or call us at 877.623.3344