James Roch Appointed to FMA Safety Council

We are proud to announce James Roch, HSE/Continuous Improvement Manager for O’Neal Manufacturing Services in Houston, TX, has been appointed to the The Fabricators and Manufacturers Association, International®, (FMA) Safety Council.

In his role as the HSE/Continuous Improvement Manager at O’Neal Manufacturing Services, James leads corporate health, safety, and environmental initiatives and supports the management of HSE policies and guidelines. He develops improvements to quality management systems, global operations emergency response plans, safety programs, and training in line with all federal and state regulations.

FMA promotes safety in the industry by facilitating training, sharing technical information, and exchanging knowledge of current issues about safety and risk control. With a mission to advocate for the growth and sustainability of the North American metal processing, forming, and fabricating industries, FMA provides numerous resources to help metal fabrication professionals thrive.

O’Neal Manufacturing Services is honored that James will be able to share his expertise on safety topics that affect metal processors and fabricators worldwide. Congratulations, James!