Congratulations to Michael Hankins for 14 years of service at O’Neal Manufacturing Services (OMS)!
We interviewed Michael and asked how about life at OMS, below is what he had to say:
How did you first learn about OMS?
Employee Referral – Barb Stevens.
What is your favorite part about working for OMS?
There is a lot of good, the schedule, benefits are great and good staff.
How long have you been with OMS?
14 years.
Do you have a favorite quote?
When all is equal, the stronger man will win.
How do you define success?
Being happy.
If you could learn to do anything, what would it be?
How to fly a plane.
What are 3 words you would use to describe OMS?
Skillful, competitive, and enjoyable.
What do you do in your spare time?
Ride horses in the summer and redo furniture.
What is your role at OMS?
Plasma Operator and Lead Man.
What does a typical day look like for you?
Always busy and every day is different.